No one can expect to fully enjoy the adulthood privileges until he is ________. [A] el

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No one can expect to fully enjoy the adulthood privileges until he is ________.

[A] eleven years old

[B] sixteen years old

[C] twenty-one years old

[D] between twelve and twenty-one years old


C43.[C] 意为:21岁第二段后面部分从 It is during the nine years 到倒数第二句列举了青春期各阶段的权利。其中,第十句(at the age of twenty-one… public office)指出,21岁是开始享有完全成人权利的年龄。所以[C]为正确选项。 11 岁不属于该部分介绍的范围;16岁时只能享有部分成人权利;12到 21岁期间是一个从儿童向成人转变的过程,个人享有权利逐渐增加,但若享有完全成人权利,需要达到 21岁。因此其他项排除。