______assesses the priority of identified ri sks using their probability of occurring,the

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______assesses the priority of identified ri sks using their probability of occurring,the corresponding impact on project objectives if the risks do occur,as well as other factors such as the time frame. and risk tolerance of the project constraints of cost,schedule,scope,and quality.

A.Quantitative Risk Analysis

B.Qualitative Risk Analysis

C.Enterprise Environmental Factors

D.Risk Management Plan


B解析:定性风险分析利用风险发生概率、风险一旦发生对项目产生的影响以及其他因素(如时间框架和项目制约条件,即成本、进度、范围、质量的风险承受度水平),对已识别风险进行优先级的评估。 选项A是定量风险分析,选项B是定性风险分析,选项C是企业环境因素,选项D是风险管理计划。故B是正确的。
